George Martinez, a Business Brokerage owner in Southern California, knew that he would have to change his business model almost 20 years ago. It happened less than a year into his business.

“I sold a small restaurant to an entrepreneur from Mexico,” he recalls. “The guy was terrific and his English was great. He owned three other places in southern California and was coming to me for help in expanding his business. There were a few times I asked if he had friends who would be interested in places around here. He said, yes, did I have any bilingual brokers? Nope. I did not. Well, that was the end of that.”

George decided to hire a young woman who needed flexible hours. She was from Cuba and worked only when her kids were in school. But that was all George needed.

“She stayed with us for 15 years,” he relates. “She was our top producer most of those years because she was able to work with buyers and sellers and even key employees, in Spanish.”

So when new software became available for George to use on his website, he jumped at the chance.

“You don’t stay in business for 20 years by standing still,” he explains. “You innovate and adapt. That’s why we went bilingual. In my area, it’s really vital.”

Getting Ahead of the Curve

The Vertica CRM team, created bilingual software for their clients’ technology platform due to their requests. Several clients approached from various parts of the US, Canada, and Latin America. They all wanted in both languages. Imagine having the ability to dynamically present your listings to buyers in their native tongue; in a language that they are most familiar with dynamically from your CRM.

Josh Factor, CEO of Vertica CRM commissioned this functionality because the need is pressing. There are simply some areas that now demand the ability for Business Brokerage companies to provide the flexibility that multi-lingual can provide. Josh says that this tool fits right in with the basic Vertica CRM philosophy. It’s just another way of enabling his clients to save time and easily pilot the deals by eliminating busy work so that the business broker can focus on the most important priorities.

As an aside, there is another important aspect of a tool like this. There has been an increasing trend in the industry for brokers to become “Industry Specialists”. A tool like this would fit right in. With the press of a button, you can change your websites look and feel to the specific industry that your buyers expect.

“The bilingual clients want US and Canadian investors and buyers,” he says. “And the American clients want to cater to a growing population of Spanish speakers. It was amazing that they all started coming to us almost simultaneously.” This tool was a long time in coming, and many of our clients in heavy Spanish speaking areas are very happy because it saves them time by adding the listing data into the business profile on the technology platform and then the CRM does the rest for you. Bottom line is your website can present your listing in a variety of ways each to the comfort level of your buyers.

What do these brokerage companies they have in common, he is asked.

“They’re some of my most successful, long-term clients,” Josh responds. “One of my office crew pointed it out. He said, ‘Well, they must be ahead of the curve. ‘I agree.’

The Vertica CRM technology platform is a feature rich platform that is already proving itself with some of the biggest Business Brokerage firms in the world and many more Brokers all over the globe. The BBCRM platform is built by experienced business brokers and mergers and acquisitions pros to effectively cover the needs of our clients. Because each of our products present and future is built by professionals from the market we cater to, we make sure our system are the best platform for our industry.

Joshua Factor is the founder of Vertica CRM. A software company dedicated to helping Business Brokers and M&A professionals work more efficiently through technology and earn more commissions. For more information about their main product, Business Brokers CRM, visit or call +1 212 381 4994 in the USA or +61 385 184 759 in Australia.